Model-VJ-Actress Shenaz Treasurywala decided to write an open letter in the immediate aftermath of the Delhi Uber rape. Having come on the same day as the release of her new movie, her move has already been criticised as a publicity stunt. However, even leaving that factor aside, her letter is quite bizzare.
It is addressed to Modi and that I can understand since she is calling for change in law. But why in the world is it addressed to random individuals such as Amitabh Bachchan, Sachin Tendulkar, Shahrukh Khan, Salman Khan, Aamir Khan and Anil Ambani? What is expected of them?
Secondly, she takes a stand that men (and the aforementioned powerful men in particular) need to save women. A stance that many women will find offensive by default. Women need to be respected as equals, not "saved" because they are weaker.
Lastly, the call for death penalty and more worryingly 'immediate death' (that too without bail during trial) sounds not entirely well thought out. She has not considered rationally, the impact of such sweeping changes to the criminal justice system either.
Please check out this response to her letter - The real problem with actress Shenaz Treasurywala’s open letter on rape
Ananya Bhattacharya of India Today has also taken her to task - No Shenaz, death penalty is not the answer to rape
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